There is something more to life than just living for yourself. In fact, in this piece you will find out about why our lives are about love and bringing love into the world.
Back in the 90s, there was a popular show on Nickelodeon in the 90s called, “Are You Afraid of the Dark?” It would scare millions of kids with its eerie content! Interestingly, its title actually connects to life, especially when it comes to finding truth in God and our relationship with Him.
Soak in the reality that each and every one of us was put on this earth to make a difference. All it truly takes is for one person to care enough to want make a difference, and to then act on that desire.
When we look into the mirror, we see our “physical” selves. We usually try so much to change or improve whatever it is that we don’t like. Yet, unfortunately, we regularly fail to look at ourselves and improve who we are spiritually. But, even in our “spiritual” ugliness, God can use His love to change us.
Are you just about to give up on your dreams? Well, God says to hold on just a little bit longer! Your breakthrough is on the way! By listening to this beautiful song called It Ain’t Over by Gospel Singer Maurette Brown Clark, you will be inspired to never lose your faith and to never stop in trying to pursue your dreams.
Saying you believe in God is completely different from fully believing in Him with all of your being and heart. In this eye-opening piece, you will realize that although you cannot physically see God or understand Him, He is always there, guiding you along your life.
Wow! It seems that there was more to the cartoon, Captain Planet, than we originally thought! In this thoughtful piece, find out about the power of God that lies in all of us, just like in the cartoon Captain Planet and the Planeteers!