Changing the world and simplicity seem to go together like peanut butter and pickles. The two just don’t mix. But what if making an impact is much easier than we make it?
Tag Archives: goals
The #1 Reason To Set “Unrealistic” Goals (And It’s Not Achieving The Goal)
If you want to do something at the absolute highest level, you need to become a polymath — which means you’ve mastered multiple things, not just one.
Master The Comeback
Have you ever tried driving while looking in the rear-view mirror? Yet when it comes to money, that’s what people do.
5 Reasons Successful People Need Grit
Life is hard. Pain is inevitable. Growth is optional. It takes grit to look at life as a series of problems to be solved. Here are five reasons successful people need grit.
5 Ways To Make A Career Pivot — & Get The Job You Deserve
Although it would make life so much easier to have one of those fabled dream jobs you’ve known about your whole life, and eventually move through with joy, most people’s career paths aren’t so linear.
How To Envision—And Reach—Your Big Potential
Your goals should be moving targets, not destinations. Shawn Achor explains why in an excerpt from his new book ‘Big Potential.’
How To Make Your Passion Your Profession
Your passion, your purpose, is something you love so much that you would do it for free.