We all need to remember the people who have stuck by us, and to not take them for granted. Life is too short to take lightly the people who think the world of you, even when you sometimes can’t see the great things that lie within you.
Though she can’t change that she was bullied, one contributor knows she can change the future for others. That’s why she actively speaks out against bullying in hopes that her story will one day help others. No one should have to suffer from bullying, especially in silence.
One contributor is viewing her quarter-life marker as a chance to reflect—rather than jump into an age-fueled crisis. So here are six things she’s realized through the years, as told by some good Friends who we all know and love.
2015 was full of interesting moments of self-discovery and unraveling the meaning of life. It was amazing and the truths it revealed about life were even more amazing. Here are some truths we collected.
Between spending time with family and friends, trying to find the best gifts, decorating and travel, it may seem as if your to-do list is never ending! Something you may find to be extremely helpful during these busy times is practicing mindfulness.
It’s back to school time. Before you start, we wanted to gather some thoughts for you on how you can make both high school and college the best years of your life.
We all have huge struggles that we are overcoming in our lives. Some struggles are ones that we are constantly dealing with, while others creep up on us in the blink of an eye. But this piece will make you realize, you can overcome anything.