Life is filled with unexpected circumstances. Some of these knock you flat on your back. They make it feel like the roof of your life has caved in.
Tag Archives: faith
God Is Looking For Availability
Most people get to watch history; very few get to make it. But I believe you can be one of those few history-makers.
Don’t Give Up On Doing The Right Thing
If things don’t happen right away or when you think they should, that doesn’t mean you should quit. You need to be diligent and have endurance.
While You Wait, God Is Working on You
If every prayer were answered immediately, if every need were instantly met, and if every problem were automatically solved, your faith would never be stretched.
Trusting God When You Don’t Understand
Faith always requires risk. Faith means you obey even when you don’t understand it.
If You Want to Grow, Sometimes You Have to Say ‘No’
The most important word to remember for your spiritual journey may be a surprising one: “no.”
Let Go Of What’s Slowing You Down
If you decided to run a race, you couldn’t do it successfully with unnecessary baggage. You wouldn’t wear nine layers of clothes. You’re in a race in every day life, too.