When the future is uncertain, the world comes to a halt, and there is a lot of fear, it might seem like your story is coming to an end. But God is always with you.
Tag Archives: faith
Don’t Worry — Here’s Why And How
Is there something that has replaced God at the center of your life? How has it increased your worry?
When You Don’t Know What’s Going On, Be Open To Receive What Is For Your Highest Good
Is it the fear of the unknown that frightens you or doubting you will make it through the crisis?
God Brings Good Out Of What Feels Bad
I don’t know what you’re going through right now, but I am certain God can use it for good in your life and to open opportunities for you to help others.
It Is Finished
The only person ever to finish everything he had on his plate before he died was Jesus.
When Your Eyes Are Full Of Tears, Keep Them on God
At each point in your life, you can find reasons to praise God. Life is never all good, and life is never all bad. In every moment you have good and bad together.
Women: Doubt Yourself Less, Believe In Yourself More
So many what ifs. Which is why betting on yourself ultimately requires taking a brave leap of self-trust over a chasm of self-doubt; choosing the path of faith over fear. Faith that you can figure it out as you go.