An uncomfortable but powerful truth that took most of my 20’s to internalize: There’s an opportunity cost to everything worthwhile in life. No matter what you’re trying to accomplish, you’ll have to give up something in order to make it happen.
There are many elements of Wonder Woman that anyone can identify with, particularly those who have fought an eating disorder or body image issues. Here are some reminders of the iconic attributes of Wonder Woman that Patty Jenkins brought to the big screen.
What happened this past week goes beyond winning or losing an election – Americans are struggling to find the worth, safety, and comfort in the country we envisioned.
When people look at incarcerated teens, many tend to focus on the reasons as to why they are in jail or prison. But the leaders of one nonprofit are focusing on helping these teens reach their full potential.
Society will continue to judge, ridicule, police and ostracize no matter the reason, but one brand is encouraging us to realize we can stop believing the ridiculous rules society makes. I can’t think of a greater act of rebellion.
Are you free? While this may be a simple question, the response to this question will be very complex. But in actuality, freedom is available to us at any moment. We just have to be willing to go after it and to keep it present in our lives.
During his recent trip to the United States, Pope Francis inspired many to cling to their faith. But we know that sometimes having faith is hard. So here are some encouraging words on having faith.