Going to college was can be a difficult transition for anyone. Everything is constantly shifting and at times, so are you. Though it can be challenging to navigate at various moments, college can help you discover who you are in the spaces between.
There are many misconceptions with eating disorders and unfortunately, our society tends to spread this inaccurate information. In response to some harmful misconceptions, here are six truths everyone should know.
Much of our happiness today, especially in our generation, lies in instant gratification. But where has it gotten us? The life you want to live can start today. You just have to be willing to show up.
Navigating school while suffering from an eating disorder can be very hard. With a perfection-oriented environment, it’s so easy for your eating disorder to creep in and take over. But here are ways you can quiet the voice and take control.
For those who are battling an eating disorder, keeping it in and trying to stop on your own is not always the best option. In fact, sometimes it can simply make the situation worse. Many times, the healing process of an eating disorder begins by seeking help. In this piece, you’ll understand why seeking help isn’t optional; it’s necessary.
What started out as a way to stay connected is quickly turning into a platform for revolution. The inspiration behind the movement is the notorious quote “Pretty girls don’t eat” – it can easily become your new mantra.
It’s essential for us stop holding ourselves back by constantly thinking about our failures. Read why making wrong decisions does not define you. Instead, it is those choices that make you into the person who you were meant to become.