The late Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs used to say, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” This is among many pieces of advice from Jobs that one executive says has played an impactful role in encouraging her to pursue to her passions.
Tag Archives: dreams
13 Insane Ways Your Hardships Can Mold You Into Becoming Who You Were Born To Be
Hardships are necessary for us to become who we were born to be. As much as they can be discouraging, they become encouraging as we grow older. They can provide us with the wisdom that we need to become who we were born to be.
Start Living. The 7 Choices You’ll Regret At The End of Your Life
Too often we let our doubt and fear hold us back from the amazing life that we all can live. One successful entrepreneur reflects on his last conversations with his father, who died unexpectedly at 54, and vows not to live a life of regrets.
Success Comes From Genuinely Knowing & Owning Who You Are
Everyone wants to know the secrets to becoming successful. We practically try to find any route that we think could help us to tap into the highway of success. But what if unlocking part of our success was easier than we thought?
15 Reasons To Break Off The Chains Of Conformity
Conformity can constrain us from what is possible. Interestingly, it can also propel us to achieve what is possible. As leaders throughout history have proven, the way to progress is by taking risks and breaking off the chains of conformity.
Trying One More Time Is Always THE Only Option
If you give up on anything too soon, you’ll never know what you would have missed. This post is for anyone who is on the brink of throwing in the towel on a dream, an invention, a pursuit, or a “destiny” opportunity. Never give up in the process.
Life’s What You Make It. How Will You Use The Life You’ve Been Given?
Nothing is set in stone for you. Therefore, your life’s what YOU choose to make it. Whether there is more that you want to achieve or someone you want to impact, believe that your life can truly become what you work towards creating it to be.