While the human brain is programmed to measure differences between people and things, we don’t need to process those differences as deficiencies. Instead, we could be proud of what makes our life, looks, and reality different from others.
The idea that a life without deep attachments and ongoing challenges would make for a happier man or woman is absurd and irresponsible to spread. The exact opposite is true.
Let’s get straight to the point as I’d like to write from the heart. Sometimes, a goal or dream may seem insurmountable from where you stand. But look again.
If you don’t believe in yourself, none of the tactics, techniques, frameworks and strategies will mean anything. Here are some ways you can start believing in yourself like I did.
No matter how much you love your job, there are always good days and bad days. Whether you are starting a new job, advancing your career, or considering a different direction, these questions can highlight ways to bring out your best self.