It’s all about how bad do you want that big dream of yours. If you don’t, you will back down and if you do, you’ll learn to keep going, regardless of what comes against you.
Our dreams can only come true when we choose to overcome the daily challenges and inner battles that get in the way. Despite our hardships, we have to press forward to bring into reality the great dreams within us.
When you let go of what’s bothering you and decide to let go of whatever it is that you are facing, you clear the path for the right things to come your way. Here’s why when you let go, everything you are seeking will actually begin to start seeking you.
When other people are afraid of your God-given dream but you go for it anyway, you will be misjudged, maligned, and misunderstood. You have to decide what matters more to you: the approval of other people or the approval of God.
Have you ever felt like your dream has drop-kicked the crap out of you? I know I have. Many different times in many different ways. The worst is when your dream feels so close you can touch it. You can see your dream in front of you. It’s real. It’s happening. Then it smirks and […]
When our dream is delayed, it causes us to forget many things. We tend to forget our dream. We forget what God has done in our lives and his goodness to us in the past. We forget that God is with us. We forget God’s power.