Ever wanted to stop mistakes? Well, don’t. When you think about it, perfectionism is really dumb. It’s really no way to live or to discover who you are. Here’s why we should all embrace making mistakes more than we do.
Tag Archives: doubt
AA: Anxiety About Anxiety
Cutting to the chase: I did what everyone wants to do. Save up. Quit my job. Travel and help others while working on my own business. The dream, right? Right. What comes along with this that most don’t see in the travel posts? Stress, anxiety and fear. But here’s how I’ve handled it.
Everything You Want Is On The Other Side Of Your Fear & Doubt
Fear and doubt are the things that cripple us the most. They are what cause us to not take risks and to not live our lives to the fullest. It’s hard to face them. But here’s why once we do, we can finally become free to pursue everything we want.
So, Lately I’ve Been Having An Identity Crisis… Who Am I?
Saying you believe in God is completely different from fully believing in Him with all of your being and heart. In this eye-opening piece, you will realize that although you cannot physically see God or understand Him, He is always there, guiding you along your life.
Where The Mind Can Be & Go Without Fear
Fear can challenge us, stop us, or shape us into striving for more than we have ever thought possible. When confronted with it, we always have choices. But we just have to try and pick the right one.