The reality is, we never owe anyone an explanation for who we are. Deciding to become who you are and realizing that you don’t need to “explain” to people the reasons for your decisions is the most freeing feeling, especially in your twenties.
The content in movies often causes much controversy for those who believe it is not solely entertaining, but actually often harmful to society. So, how do believers find the balance between their faith and the content they view or listen to? In this piece, contributor Nathaniel Simmons analyzes the debate between Christianity and Entertainment.
Too often we let our doubt and fear hold us back from the amazing life that we all can live. One successful entrepreneur reflects on his last conversations with his father, who died unexpectedly at 54, and vows not to live a life of regrets.
In life, you are either a passenger or a pilot. It’s your choice. For many us, we are the passenger, not the pilot. Too many times we allow other people to lead our lives for us. But here’s why being a passenger in life usually only hurts us or limits us.
What is more important to you: the size for what you are achieving currently or the size of what you believe that you can achieve within entire lifetime?
Sometimes we don’t take the time to think about our choices. We just decide and act , making our lives more complicated than they have to be. But don’t worry. Here are some thoughts to help you realize that life doesn’t have to be as hard or as stressful as you might be making it to be.
In case you are having a moment in which your inner voice is telling you to take a certain course but you are scared to do so, here are seven reasons why you should always trust and actually follow your instincts.