You know what’s complicated Trying to control people and their work. You know what’s easy?Providing total freedom.
Tag Archives: culture
Master Yourself, Create Your Own Value.
You have value. You deserve to be here on this earth and harvesting the bountiful harvest that is life. Beyond that, from a business standpoint, each individual has monetary and strategic value. Sometimes, it’s just up to you to find out what that is.
Love Graffiti? This New Art Form Might Also Capture Your Interest
If you’re usually the first to notice new trends floating around the Internet, keep an eye out for “meme graffiti”, a modern day multi-media art concept viewed through scanning a unique QR code.
Millennial Motivation
Yesterday a friend and I went for our weekly walk, and got into the conversation of mental health. It turned to the subject of Millennials and mental health.
The Wins And Woes Of The 2018 Grammys
Ah, the Grammys, a fight for the best awards in music right on your own television. While of course, we watch award shows to see who is going to take home gold and who is going to strike out, we have to admit that it’s really the sideline dramas, entertaining moments, and absolute failures that keep us coming back. I mean who can forget the La La Land vs Moonlight fiasco of the 2017 Oscars?
Diversity Is Not A ‘Nice To Have’
When it comes to fostering diversity and inclusion in your company, either go hard or go home. Seriously.
The Problem With Modern Masculinity
I’d never really thought about the role of masculinity in our world today. The expectation for young men growing up isn’t talked about often, especially those roles for men of lower socioeconomic status.