One of the significant outskirts of present day civic establishments is men’s design in Sri Lanka
Tag Archives: culture
When You’re Called Out For Being *Emotional* At Work
Have you ever been called “emotional” at work? If so, you know how deflating and infuriating an experience that can be…
The 7 Biggest Myths About Changing Careers
Regardless of how big or small your desired transition is, here are some of the biggest myths people believe about changing careers — and what the reality is.
5 Ways Millennials Are Changing The Corporate Game
As digital natives, Millennials are playing a critical role in shaping technology’s influence on Corporate America. But this pressure to always be “on” has had a market impact on employee expectations, wellbeing, and productivity, for better and for worse.
Watch Videos: Millennials On What Really Means To Have The #WorkHardPlayHard Mentality
For week 2 of the Misunderstood Docu-series, join our panel of Millennials as they discuss their views and opinions on this weeks theme #workhardplayhard.
Brands, Try Appealing To Millennials With These Money-Saving Work Perks
Millennials are big into saving money and for good reason. Wages are lower than they were for previous generations, and costs—including student loans to name just one—are increasing.
Vote Or Die: The Personal Decision To Be Responsible
At a critical juncture in American history, Millennials and future generations need to absorb this biased news with a critical eye and make informed judgments, think of the economical consequences, then get up and vote!