I started programming 10 years ago this fall, and in many ways it’s shaped who I am today. But my future could have been totally different: I almost quit before I even started. Now I realize that feeling I had then about coding is universal.
A true humanitarian for his community, this graphic designer is helping local visionaries and mission-driven organizations bring their ideas to life with his new business.
One initiative is helping to make a paradigm shift in how minorities see themselves, and in how the world sees minorities. It’s known as #YesWeCode. Read how it’s helping to train world-class computer programmers of tomorrow.
Maybe you’ve heard of it, but the buzz at Tech Talent South lately has been all things Pop Up Code! From DC to Phoenix this team has been packing up and sharing its mission to get people coding and doing something big!
Be curious and never stop. It is up to your curiosity and the time you dedicate to honing your skill set that will allow you to take your career and ideas to the next level. Here five skills that you can use to help set your career in motion.