Changing the world and simplicity seem to go together like peanut butter and pickles. The two just don’t mix. But what if making an impact is much easier than we make it?
Tag Archives: choices
40 Great Choices To Create Happiness And Success Every Day
Here are 40 great choices to create happiness and success in your life starting now.
Don’t Let Distractions Keep You From Your Best
Can you relate to losing your focus on fulfilling your purpose because of any of these distractions?
When To Pivot
When should you stay in one career? And when should you go? Find out here.
How Power Words Can Help You Land Your Dream Job
There’s no silver bullet to get you the job you want, but power words might be the closest thing.
To Anyone Who’s Completely Indecisive When It Comes To Making Decisions
Life is a big opportunity composed of many small opportunities. Our judgment is often challenged when we have to make decisions. We wonder, should we move ahead and make a decision… or should we wait?
12 Realizations I Gained From Choosing To Do Only What I Loved
I’ve realized I need to filter out what everyone tells me. No one knows me or what I want to do with my life more than me. It was hard getting to this place, so I decided to do a little experiment.