When you consider that ups and downs are inevitable, it makes sense to take a long term view.
Tag Archives: change
6 Eye-Opening Ways To Embrace Change In Life
Do you want to discover how to embrace change in life? Read these six tips to make drastic improvements to your life.
The Only Way We Experience Growth, Is Through Constant Change
Change is the only constant in this life. It is evident in the seasons and all life forms. It is my experience; most people experience resistance when change occurs.
God’s Goal: Your Character, Not Your Comfort
When you forget that character is one of God’s purposes for your life, you will become frustrated by your circumstances.
You Can’t Change By Accident
Change requires making choices. It’s not enough to dream of changing. It’s not enough to desire change.
10 Ways To Make Changes That Will Serve You Well
Change gets easier when you truly decide who is that you want to be and what you want for your life.
5 Ways To Deal With Unexpected Change
For better or worse, here’s what to do when change rears its head and requires you to pivot with it.