Going to college was can be a difficult transition for anyone. Everything is constantly shifting and at times, so are you. Though it can be challenging to navigate at various moments, college can help you discover who you are in the spaces between.
Along The Road Less Traveled, the things that you thought you had a handle on will probably go wrong. But, don’t panic. We want to ease your stress, so we put together a list of the 23 things that will likely happen along your journey towards success to keep you aware.
In life, you will encounter many detours as you become who you are and go after your dreams. From denials, to heartbreak, to “failing” figuratively, realize that no matter what happens, everything always work out for your good in the end.
Everyone has moments in their life when they feel defeated. But in those moments, you can’t give up on yourself. You have to have the will to press forward. This inspiring piece will motivate you to never give up on life.
Are you free? While this may be a simple question, the response to this question will be very complex. But in actuality, freedom is available to us at any moment. We just have to be willing to go after it and to keep it present in our lives.
Meet one strong, tenacious pre-medical college student who has overcome many obstacles throughout her life and yet, she is still not backing down on the pursuit of fulfilling her dreams and using her experiences to change the world.
Every day millions and millions of people in the world struggle with something. Struggles are part of life and no one can escape them. Though they can be difficult, realize what’s inside of you is greater than any of them.