What exactly is the big secret discovery to finding your happiness? It’s giving yourself permission to be happy. It sounds so simple, but until someone actually TELLS you to give yourself permission, it can be hard to accept it.
Time is one of the greatest things in life, because we can never get it back. Every moment of our lives provides us with the chance to overcome challenges we’ve face and to let go of all the negatives that often surround us.
Life will teach you that you can’t control what happens to you, but you can change what you do about it. And most importantly, you can change how you allow situations to define you.
Process is a word that is consistent with the journey called, life. Although these processes can be annoying, I’ve found every process is important and can help develop who you are.
There’s this inner struggle between who you are now and the person you know you can be. This is not me going on and on with a sob story. It’s me being real about how I think a lot of us are feeling.
We all have different things we face in life, and we never know what we will go through. But the good part is and the truth is, we can always overcome any obstacle we face.
Bad experiences in some ways force us and prompt us into becoming what we never knew we could possibly be. This is why your greatest pains from bad experiences will one day become your greatest assets.