Whether you’re a stand-up comedian or play club soccer, here are 11 surprising things to keep on your resume.
Tag Archives: careers
11 Things To Never Say In A Job Interview
The best way to prepare for potential embarrassment? Know what’s off limits.
How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome For Good
Knowing how common imposter syndrome is should give us comfort, but we also need strategies for dealing with it and turning our desire to succeed into an advantage.
The 7 Biggest Myths About Changing Careers
Regardless of how big or small your desired transition is, here are some of the biggest myths people believe about changing careers — and what the reality is.
How To Customize Your Resume For Each Job You Apply To
And ultimately, that small amount of effort you put into catering your resume to each job description can end up significantly cutting down the time you spend looking for a job.
9 Job Seeker Email Etiquette Tips To Help You Land The Job
Here are nine job seeker etiquette tips for applying for jobs via email.
Why Even Ambitious People Rarely Become Successful
Many people want something more for themselves. They have dreams and ambitions. Yet, few of these people ever get what they intended. Being ambitious isn’t enough. Far more important than ambition is commitment.