There seems to be this attitude that you have to be technical, or “speak the lingo” to work at a tech company. But you DON’T have to be technical. Here are ways you can get a job in tech, even if you don’t have a tech background.
Tag Archives: careers
How Do We Change The Way Young Men Of Color Are Seen In Society? Here’s An Idea
Today, young men of color are often viewed through a stereotypical lens. In finding a way to change society’s perceptions and the way young men of color see themselves, one contributor is sharing an idea that might make a difference.
Lessons Over Coffee
After moving to a new city for a new job, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with all sorts of questions about your career, work and navigating the “real world.” Instead of feeling all the pressures of adjusting, see your move as an life-changing, growing opportunity right in front of you.
Job Hunting Today: It Has Its Angels & Its Demons
Job hunting in today’s digital world obviously provides a whole new set of tools and options at our disposal, for good and bad. Of course, this is what columnist Sarah Radley expected to have to deal with. But unfortunately, something unexpected also came up in her job search: the over the shoulder conversations between her uplifting thinking and demolishing thinking.
You Can Be Whatever You Want To Be
Dare to imagine and dream that you can become anything you want to be in life. With every accomplishment that you achieve, it should be clear to you that this is true. You just have to always hold onto your dreams and believe in yourself.
What Is Time Outside Of 9-5 Boxes?
What kind of life are you living? Between your day-to-day hustle and constantly having to be on the go, you may forget to take a moment to breathe. Become inspired in realizing why sometimes we all need to reflect.
Start Living The Life That You Dreamed Of As A Kid
Be your best you. Realize that we each own ourselves and see our gifts as beneficial to our careers rather than defined by them.