While being busy is not a new problem, figuring out how to make the best use of your time has actually gotten harder. When it comes to networking is there a way to figure out if you’re doing too much, or not enough?
We live our lives everyday with decisions we must make – from the breakfast we eat to the jobs we take. So when someone else gives us some advice, we may enjoy it or downright hate it. But this advice I enjoyed and will downright savor forever.
The rise of our hyper-connected, information-saturated workplaces has created a burnout culture, one that hits women particularly hard. In our achievement-obsessed culture, it’s hard to remember that what we do is not who we are.
When it comes to the concept of “personal branding”, the idea of marketing yourself can be pretty intimidating. The reality is that personal branding is important for your career and for establishing your credibility.
Feeling burnt out? You’re not alone. There are too many of us who set ourselves up to burn out. But this can stop…right now. It turns out, investing in your long-term, sustainable success requires a completely different set of strategies.
There seems to be this attitude that you have to be technical, or “speak the lingo” to work at a tech company. But you DON’T have to be technical. Here are ways you can get a job in tech, even if you don’t have a tech background.
The late Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs used to say, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” This is among many pieces of advice from Jobs that one executive says has played an impactful role in encouraging her to pursue to her passions.