So many what ifs. Which is why betting on yourself ultimately requires taking a brave leap of self-trust over a chasm of self-doubt; choosing the path of faith over fear. Faith that you can figure it out as you go.
There’s plenty of good job search tips out there, but if you really want to identify the advice that’s worth your time, you’ve got to get it from a credible source. And who better to weigh in than professional career coaches, HR consultants and other subject-matter experts?
Whether you want to admit it or not, or whether you have faced these moments or not, let’s admit that at some point in our lives we will encounter them. And when you do encounter them, you may feel completely powerless.
In the waiting room of life, you can choose to trust God instead of panicking. You also need to remember two things: One, God is never in a hurry. And two, God is never late. God’s timing is always perfect.