Whatever you’re facing in life, make the decision to not quit. Whether it’s dealing with school, your career, or your dreams you can never give up. Here’s why you can’t quit, regardless of what obstacles come against you.
Sometimes, you need a little positivity and some reminders to take time to enjoy the little things in life more than you are. If you’re needing some inspiring words to change your perspective, these thoughts are perfect.
It is fundamentally impossible to live intentionally and “on-purpose” if you haven’t defined your future self. Even more, it’s impossible to actively learn in a transformational way without a clear future self in mind.
Just because someone gave you the idea that you could not be successful, or that you do not have what it takes, does not in any way, mean that you cannot do it.
The human will is undeniably powerful. Once a stern commitment is made to carry through with a project or goal, there’s little to stop a person. You may have heard it said that the human will can move any mountain.