When we focus on what really matters and all of the beauty that life, we can take a step back, focus on our passions, and really live life in the way we dream.
Sometimes you might look at those who you believe to be successful and think that success was possible for them, but not for you. You doubt yourself. But when it comes to success, you have to realize and believe it is possible for you.
Growing up I can safely say I had a cushy, straightforward, happy life. Some may even say I was spoiled – spiritually that is. If I wanted something, I worked hard, prayed for it and got it. Then, life got a little more complicated.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has recently made many controversial statements about immigration and the Islamic community. His comments remind us that we should never overgeneralize any religion or group due to the actions of a few people.
We’ve all heard that saying. And as much as it can be annoying, maybe there is something about it that rings true. Just like how an athlete prepares for a big race, we need to prepare and start running towards living what we believe.