When hardship occurs, it may feel like an avalanche hurtling towards us. However, our most important lessons arise from difficult times because they teach us the depths of our strength.
>Who are you becoming? Who are you “slow-boiling” into? Your future self is your choice. Your future self is your responsibility. You become what you desire, and you train your desires every day.
Do you want to improve your life? Are you committed to changing your conditions? Many people will answer yes to these questions, though it is my experience very few people are dedicated to improve their life.
Do you realise your best is yet to come? Your best will come from your habits, practice, growth, setbacks, victories and knowledge gained over the years.
I asked my mentor what I could do to achieve my next goal, and he suggested I write the narrative of my life, my epic, from the perspective of my death bed. What did my life look like? Did I live a life of fulfillment? Only then, he said, would I be able to look at my next goal and know how best to get there.