Up until one day in my life, I had never really thought about why I defined success that way—instead, I’d been obsessed with how I would attain those things.
Tag Archives: becoming who you are
11 Tips For College Graduates and Students Looking For Internships During COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic has dramatically affected the job economy as we know it, including internships. If you’re a student in your final year of university or college searching for an internship, we hope these tips below can help guide your search.
41 Things To Do Alone At Least Once In Your 20s Or 30s Or 40s
In learning to recover from a lifelong battle of anxiety and depression, I slowly became more okay with the idea of being alone with my own thoughts. Growth comes from stillness.
The Only Thing Powerful Enough To Overcome Everything Holding You Back
If you want to make improvements in your life, you need to fundamentally change as a person.
Women: Doubt Yourself Less, Believe In Yourself More
So many what ifs. Which is why betting on yourself ultimately requires taking a brave leap of self-trust over a chasm of self-doubt; choosing the path of faith over fear. Faith that you can figure it out as you go.
Everyone Is Called To Their Destiny But Not Everyone Answers
The reach of our purpose does not determine its significance. It is whether we are actively pursuing our purpose that matters.
You Have To Let Go A Lot, To Unlock The Next Level In Your Life
We must let go of the notion that life follows the same trajectory of the past because life doesn’t know what it will become until we step into it. It is a new canvas we create each day and we have more power than we realise.