In just a blink of an eye, four years have gone and you are just about to graduate from college. Yet, the important part notion that you may have realized along your journey is to live each moment like it is your last… Our executive Anita Little explains more.
Tag Archives: becoming who you are
How Am I Lookin’?
When we look into the mirror, we see our “physical” selves. We usually try so much to change or improve whatever it is that we don’t like. Yet, unfortunately, we regularly fail to look at ourselves and improve who we are spiritually. But, even in our “spiritual” ugliness, God can use His love to change us.
What To Do When Friendships Sink
In a wonderful life lesson, you will learn that although “being friends forever” is a wonderful sentiment, sometimes your best friends are part-time. They are meant to greatly impact you for only one season of your life.
The Power Is Yours.
Wow! It seems that there was more to the cartoon, Captain Planet, than we originally thought! In this thoughtful piece, find out about the power of God that lies in all of us, just like in the cartoon Captain Planet and the Planeteers!
Stop Looking At Your Failures. Instead, Look At What You Have Overcome.
It’s essential for us stop holding ourselves back by constantly thinking about our failures. Read why making wrong decisions does not define you. Instead, it is those choices that make you into the person who you were meant to become.
5 Ways You Can Become The Person Who You Aspire To Be
Just like on the road to graduation, the road towards becoming who you aspire to be may feel challenging. But here’s why you must always believe in yourself and never stop on your journey.
Here’s The Quarter-Life Opportunity Right In Front Of You
For most of us, when we were in our early twenties and just stepping into the ‘real world,’ we had this idea of how life would be as an adult. Then, we got into the real world and some things hit us like a bag of bricks. So how do we get rid of this panic?