Now more than ever is the time for our generation to take hold of issues that are hindering our nation and our futures. Instead of talking about the changes that we hope to make and instead of criticizing the problems that seem to only continue, we must begin to take action.
Tag Archives: be the change
Honestly, What Kind Of World Do We Want?
Devastation from one corner of the world can literally impact us all. The San Bernardino shooting reminds us that we each need to be agents of change and provide light in these dark times.
The Truth Is, Our Purpose Is Not Just About Us
Why as we as a society constantly focusing on ourselves and not the greater good? When do we lose sight of the importance of helping others and using our gifts to change the world?
Picking Up The Pieces: Why We Need To Believe In The Good That Still Exists
As we pick up the pieces of this terrible tragedy, let us use our lives to prove that good not only still exists, but it will always conquer over any evil act.
Musician Uses Music To Bring Awareness To Greater Causes
Read about one highly acclaimed musician and recording artist that is using her music to support organizations that connect with the vision and purpose.
My Vision For The World? That We All Help Change It
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” These powerful words by Gandhi inspire us to realize that instead of only talking about changing the world, we each have to take action and work together in doing so.
Wait… Reality TV Is Fulfilling To The Soul?
Reality television is widely accepted as the lowest form of television. It’s all about looking sexy, being cruel, drinking a lot, or doing whatever it takes to beat the competition. But if you look past the bright lights of the most popular Reality shows, there are some shows that can open your eyes to a whole new world, and can teach you a lot about not only a different lifestyle, but also about yourself.