Think of a recent situation, or as far back as you remember, where you experienced rejection. What if the rejection was disguised as your protection from something down the road?
When someone is dealing with depression, it may not seem like they are. Their symptoms may seem “invisible.” And that’s the truth for all of us whenever we feel depressed. So how do we move forward when we feel this way?
While my purview of interests and knowledge generally only circles around the entertainment industry—being an aspiring screenwriter myself—my eyes have been opened this past year to a trend of journalism that extends even to my realm of interest: clickbait journalism.
In Syria, millions of people are fighting for their lives this very moment. It’s easy to turn a blind eye to this reality because it may not effect one personally, but the reality of its existence doesn’t make it any less important to understand.
Most connect February with Valentine’s Day. But it is also known as National Teen Violence Awareness Month. Amid the happiness that comes with Valentine’s Day, let’s not forget to bring awareness to a prevalent problem.