Each of our lives is our own masterpiece. We can edit it, change it, flip it, or do whatever we make to it as much as we want. The world is our oyster and our lives can be anything that we make of it, if we choose.
Tag Archives: advice
33 Of The Most Empowering Quotes On How To Have The Career You Dream
At any stage of our career, advice is always appropriate. Sometimes the smallest words of wisdom can offer you some guidance or some reminders about who you are and the possibilities of the career you aspire to have.
20 Pieces Of Advice I Would Tell My 20-Year-Old Self
Looking back, there are lots of things that I wish I would have known at the start of my twenties that I know now. If I could go back in time, these are the pieces of advice that I would have told myself based on what I know now.
Why You Shouldn’t Wait To Be “Centered And Complete”
Quite frankly, I’m not sure if I’m ever going to have it all together. You may feel like you may never have it fully together. So why do we need to wait until we have all our ducks in a row before going after what we want? The answer: we don’t – and we shouldn’t.
Three Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Start Dating
Thinking about getting into a relationship this year? Don’t waste your time focusing on all of the wrong things or the wrong people. Here are a few questions that you should seriously consider and ask yourself before you start the dating journey.
What A Fortune 500 Exec Wants Millennials To Know About Success
Achieving success is often tied to your brand. Imagine you’re being recruited and the hiring manager calls your boss. In that conversation, what would be shared about you? The answer to that question forms the essence of your brand.
21 Secrets For Your 20s
Struggling with how to navigate your twenties? We know the feeling. From relationships, to careers, to stress…being in your 20s can be interesting. Here are some candid secrets that should make the process a little bit easier for you.