I used to become disheartened upon seeing people’s true colors. It was hard for me to accept. But as I’ve gotten older, I believe that witnessing their true colors can be the greatest gift.
Tag Archives: acceptance
20 Of The Most Honest Quotes On How Your Best Friends Are The Best Pieces Of You
Our best friends are the ones who bring out the best in us. They are the ones who make our lives happy and worthwhile. Here are some of the most honest quotes on the amazingness of best friends.
Risk Being Yourself: How Self-Acceptance Frees You From Everything & Everyone
When we try to be like everyone else or when we don’t accept ourselves, we limit our potential. In some cases, our need for acceptance can actually work against us. Start accepting the brilliance of you.
To Look Behind, Or To Look Ahead?
Life is about discovering and uncovering the greater you. In silence, we are a book of silence, but when seen, when touched, when opened, we are unleashed. Be brave enough to unleash the power that is within you… here’s why.
An Experience That Changed My Perspective On Acceptance
Imagine feeling unloved and unwanted by God for being who you are. Imagine wanting to be apart of a church, but fearing that the people there will not accept you. This is something that columnist Benjamin McAfee once struggled with, but after his recent experience at a welcoming church, his whole idea of God’s love for him and other people changed.
Wait… Reality TV Is Fulfilling To The Soul?
Reality television is widely accepted as the lowest form of television. It’s all about looking sexy, being cruel, drinking a lot, or doing whatever it takes to beat the competition. But if you look past the bright lights of the most popular Reality shows, there are some shows that can open your eyes to a whole new world, and can teach you a lot about not only a different lifestyle, but also about yourself.
Are You Afraid Of The Light?
Back in the 90s, there was a popular show on Nickelodeon in the 90s called, “Are You Afraid of the Dark?” It would scare millions of kids with its eerie content! Interestingly, its title actually connects to life, especially when it comes to finding truth in God and our relationship with Him.