Students Are Taking On Congress For Gun Reform And The Nation Loves It

February 22, 2018 | Posted at 6:13 pm | by Emily (Follow User)

The longer the gun debate continues, the more obvious it becomes that there is an intense gap between the generations on how they react to and treat the issue. The older generations, after years of dealing with American politics, have been convinced by the government, as well as others, that there is no way to change our society. They have adopted what people have coined a “defeatist” attitude. They truly believe no matter what laws are implemented, nothing will ever change, so why even try?

The younger generation is not as pessimistic and passive as their older counterparts. They know change can be made, but they also know who they have to go through to get that change – and those people really love their guns. But they haven’t given up. Thousands of students are walking out of their schools to demand change, they’re taking to social media to spread the news, and they even had a town hall on CNN to speak directly to the government. Let’s just say the politicians and viewers were not prepared for the anger and passion these students would bring. Here are some of the top tweets featuring reactions from the town hall:


In fact, these politicians were so stunned by these kids that some even accused them of having been paid by the opposition:

Others were just infuriated at the nerve politicians had to defend guns while confronting victims of a shooting

I think it’s safe to assume that the younger generation’s discontent with our current gun situation and our politics will only grow. Our government is going to have to face what lengths these teens are willing to go to and they might just have to accept that the gun laws need to change. But one thing is for sure: these kids aren’t going anywhere.