Stop Talking About Working Out And Just Do It: 10 Motivating Reasons Why

November 28, 2016 | Posted at 9:59 pm | by Tess (Follow User)

There are so many reasons to exercise.

Not only is staying active important to your physical health, but it is also vital to your emotional well-being. But I can understand how in today’s world, it’s easy to get stuck in a sedentary lifestyle, where the thought of your working out is practically non-existent. There’s school or work. School or work. Oh, and school or work.



On top of this, fitness often has a negative stigma attached to it, causing many of us to not feel motivated to work out. Maybe you’re one of these people. Shockingly, this kind of sedentary lifestyle has been proven to be nearly as deadly as smoking. Obviously, the effects of not working out are pretty bleak in the long-term, if you know what I mean.


My advice?

Coming from a person who understands your pain, don’t think of fitness as being a tedious, cumbersome task. Rather, view it as the chance to improve yourself. Working out will not only provide numerous health benefits, but it will also boost your self-confidence. And it doesn’t have to be boring!

There is an array of different things you can try, including dance, yoga, swimming, and more to make fitness fun. Take time out to explore these different options and others just to get a sense of what works best for you. Also, make it a group activity! Anything can be made more fun and doable when you have a buddy to share in the experience.

I know, I know. I probably sound like your old high school teacher going on a tangent, however, trust me when I say working out is essential for having a healthy life. So stop saying you will work out and… JUST DO IT! Here are 10 motivating reasons why:

There Are Physical Benefits, like:

1. Looking and feeling better.


2. Having more energy.


3. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.


4. Decreasing the risk of certain conditions, like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, colon cancer, coronary heart diseases, and more.


5. Garnering a longer life expectancy. In fact, according to the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, regular exercise can add up to five years to your life.


There Are Also Mental Benefits, like:

6. Gaining confidence and higher self-esteem.


7. Lowers risks of depression, anxiety and stress.


8. Having a better night’s sleep, which is vital to your health.


9. Experiencing a better quality of life.


10. And finally… developing stronger relationships and social connectedness from working out with friends and meeting new positive people.


So, for the reasons just listed and more, start your work-out journey now to improve your mind and body throughout your life! And most importantly, while you’re doing so, have fun and follow a plan that works best for you. Your goal shouldn’t be to just have a “temporary” fitness regime. Instead, aim to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle.


This post is sponsored by WOW Yoga (Will, Objectivity, Wisdom). It is a personal system to increase awareness, balance and clarity for self-improvement. Visit WOW Yoga’s website for class and event information at! Follow WOW Yoga on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

And want to learn more about health and wellness?
Save the date! On February 5, 2017, Wow Yoga will host the first annual Super Stretch, the biggest health and fitness event of the year. Visit WOW Yoga for event information and to purchase tickets!