Stop Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

February 14, 2019 | Posted at 11:39 am | by Dennis (Follow User)

“What you seek is seeking you…
Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the barriers
within yourself that you have built against it.”
~ Rumi

Are there any beliefs hanging out in the shadows of your mind that are tied to thoughts that you are not “love-able” (able to love or be loved)? If there are, it is a lie. You were not born with those beliefs–someone else planted them in your subconscious mind after you arrived here and over time those false beliefs became a barrier between who you think you are and who you really are. The “who” you really are was with you at birth and still is in this sacred moment-and that “who” is quite love-able. Who you really are is the essence and offspring of Infinite Love that has personalized Itself in and as you–and It lies in smiling repose, waiting for you to pull away the shroud of false beliefs that may have you scampering around, looking for love in “all the wrong places.”

While this may be “Love Month”, I am not referring just to romantic love. The Greeks had several different names for “Love” depending on the context in which it was being used. Eros, Philia, and Agape are the most common. Be it erotic love, brotherly love, or the love of and for God that passes through us this day, may we know that Love is always the cure that heals our deepest wounds and opens our hearts to Life. Irrespective of the question, Love is always the answer. To quote the mystic Rumi once more, “Love is the cure, for your pain will keep giving birth to more pain until your eyes constantly exhale love as effortlessly as your body yields its scent.”

Regardless of whether you are in a relationship with a significant other or not, you are still in a very important relationship; the one you are having with yourself. Therefore, this is a day to celebrate and honor the Principle of Love in action in every area of your life. It is everyone’s job to be sure they are mindful in removing any barriers they may have erected between themselves and Love’s presence and the first place to look is at our beliefs. If love appears to be missing in action in your life today or it is just not quite as present and accounted for as you might like, consider taking Rumi’s admonition seriously: What you seek is seeking you and has been since the day you were born. The practice is to slow down so it can catch up with you. Discover it within first and trust that the law of attraction will do its part. Know that love will show up in your life reflecting Itself perfectly wherever and whenever it needs to when you have first removed any barriers that may have been erected, consciously or otherwise. “As within, so without,” is the principle that honors us as we first honor it.

THE TAKEAWAY: Love really IS looking for you. If you go and look into the mirror right now with a willingness to love and be loved, you’ll see it staring right back at you. Today, may we each marinate ourselves in the energy of Love and allow it to ooze through our very pores. Whether we are in a relationship with a “significant other” or not, we are always in a relationship with the Divine, therefore Love is still present in us and all around us–we are swimming in Its essence. In other words, today would be a great day to simply “Be” in Love. Take a moment to pause right now and breathe into this awareness. This alone will make this world a better place.
