Some Things You Will Want to Know Before Moving to Tulsa, OK

May 12, 2021 | Posted at 2:20 pm | by Jerilyn (Follow User)

Some Things You Will Want to Know About This Growing City

Moving to a new city can be thrilling, but also can be a bit unnerving at times. Moves are made for all sorts of reasons, from stating over to beginning a new career or just trying to be closer to family and friends. There are endless reasons why someone moves and if you are moving to Tulsa, OK, you could have not picked a better time in history. Tulsa is steadily growing and as of now the city has just under 500,000 residents, so Tulsa is fast becoming the place to be in Oklahoma and for those moving in, here are some things you will want to keep in mind.

Affordability at its Best

Are you looking for an affordable place to raise a family or start out in your chosen career path? Tulsa is the place. It was actually ranked as America’s most affordable city according to Forbes in 2014. That notion has not diminished in the past 6 years as home prices and rental properties have remained affordable compared to the rest of the country. Tulsa keeps life affordable so its residents can enjoy a true piece of the American dream.

An Industry Giant

When you think of Oklahoma as a whole, you might envision endless tracts of farmland and tractors taking over the highways. Where there remains plenty of farmland in this state, much of Tulsa is dedicated to a variety of industries. Among the most popular are the natural gas and oil industry as has always been the case in this state, but the popularity and location of Tulsa has brought in industries such as transportation, health care, Aerospace, and telecommunications, so there is a lot to choose from in Tulsa in regard to job options.

Know the Layout

Each city throughout the country has various ways to notate their streets. In Tulsa, you will find it remarkably easy to navigate city streets. All east and west streets are numbered and all north and south streets are denoted with a letter. All even numbers are found in the north and east side of Tulsa while odd numbers are located on the south and west sides. It might take a little getting used to, but this system will help you understand where you are in the city at all times.

Commuting Woes

If you are coming from a substantially large city such as New York or LA, you might be well adapted to leaving the house at least an hour or two before you are scheduled to arrive. Traffic in these cities is a nightmare, but in Tulsa, you may feel like it is a beautiful dream. Residents report that it takes no more than about 30 minutes to get to any part of the city, so you need not worry about traffic. Even though Tulsa is a growing city, it has yet to develop the congestion issues that plague other big cities.

Storage Units are Essential

Storage units in Tulsa are among the most affordable in the nation. Even if your home is not substantially large, renting a storage unit can help you store everything you need. Additionally, storage units can be a huge help as storms are frequently a problem in Tulsa and throughout Oklahoma, so in the event of a storm, your valuables will stay safe and secure. While moving, renting a storage unit in Tulsa can help you organize your items and give you a place to store seasonal items or things you may want to preserve for use later.

Tulsa Has Casinos

Although casinos are illegal in certain states, Native American owned casinos fall into a gray area of legality. Provided the casino is built on Native American land, it remains legal. In Oklahoma, there are a lot of Native Americans and vast tracts of land for development. So far, there are three Native American owned casinos in Tulsa, so you do not have to go to Vegas to have a little gambling fun.

There is a Transit System

It is not surprising that Tulsa has its own transit system. The Tulsa Transit Authority has a network of buses on schedule throughout the city to take patrons anywhere they want to go, but this form of transportation, at least in this city, does have its limits. Buses only run 6 days a week with very limited scheduling on Saturday. No buses run on Sunday, so when you move to Tulsa, you might want to hold onto that vehicle just in case you need to go somewhere on a Sunday.

Get Outdoors

Oklahoma has one of the mildest weather climates in the country. Even though there are some extremely hot and extremely cold days throughout the year, on average, temps remain remarkably mild. That means you can take a trip to the River Parks offering 26 miles of running and cycling trails along with endless sports activities or head off to one of the many state parks and enjoy a day outside with the family.

Tulsa is a beautiful and up and coming city. It boasts a unique small town feel even in a large city. Residents remain friendly and industries are always growing. If you want to change the pace up a little or just seek out some time in the breadbasket of the country, Tulsa is the place to do it in.