Simple And Effective Ways To Disinfect Homes Amid COVID-19

April 3, 2020 | Posted at 5:01 am | by Rosette (Follow User)

The entire world has been on edge recently due to the novel coronavirus disease or COVID-19. The virus is known to quickly spread around the human body and from one point of contact to another. It has also been proven to be fatal in a lot of existing cases; hence, causing the public to panic over the said pandemic.

The past two weeks have explicitly been challenging for many countries. Italy and Spain are only some of the most affected countries that continue to experience an influx of COVID-19 cases to date. While local governments are doing their best to contain the outbreak, people all over the world cannot help but feel anxious over the current situation.

Recent studies show that this particular virus can actually live in high traffic areas and surfaces like cabinet hardware, cupboards, and other furniture for up to 24 hours. As for plastic and stainless steel materials, the virus is said to last up to three days. Fortunately, this shouldn’t cause you to panic all the more because there are simple yet effective ways you can sanitize and disinfect your house or office during the quarantine period.

Wipe Down The Surfaces

The key to keeping your home clean and away from the virus is by first wiping down high traffic areas. This is because many people in your household come into contact with various surfaces around your home, including:

  • Desks
  • Phones
  • Keyboards
  • Desktops or laptops
  • Entrance doors and doorknobs
  • Shared rooms
  • Light switches
  • Car steering wheels
  • Remote controls


It is suggested that you use disinfectants like Lysol or Clorox to keep all your surfaces and equipment squeaky clean.

Keep Your Pets Inside

If you have pets at home, it is best to keep them inside the house until the quarantine period is over. This is because letting them out and allowing them back into your house can cause the entire household to be vulnerable to many types of bacteria and viruses. With that, it’s also crucial that floor surfaces are kept sanitized and disinfected every day.

Wash Your Fabrics

It’s recommended that you stay at home as much as possible. But in the event that you need to stock up on food and other necessities, make sure you wash all your outside clothes right away to keep the virus from spreading. You never know what types of germs and bacteria you can acquire just by merely taking a quick trip to the grocery store, so it’s definitely better to be safe than sorry. More than your clothes, you also need to frequently wash other fabrics like your bed sheets, blankets, and pillowcases.

Wrapping Up

Above all else, it’s important to stay hopeful for brighter days amidst these trying times. And more than anything, practice proper hygiene at all times! This, too, shall pass. And the whole world will heal again and learn from this phenomenon. As for now, keep in mind all the simple and effective ways mentioned above to help combat the virus. Stay safe!