The Seven Unforgettable Things Relationships Teach You About Yourself

October 20, 2023 | Posted at 10:45 pm | by Nikole (Follow User)

Relationships can open you up to something new, challenge you, and cause you to discover more about yourself than you could have ever done through your own self-discovery.

With all the relationships that you have (good and bad), it’s refreshing and interesting to realize how they can teach you so much. Here are what I believe to be seven unforgettable things relationships can teach you about yourself.


Relationships teach you…


1. What you will and will not tolerate.

In many ways, relationships are a direct reflection of the kind of relationship that we have with ourselves. When we choose to treat ourselves correctly, we then usually hold a standard for how another person will treat us. We are the only ones who can determine what we will and will not tolerate.


2. There are some things you can’t learn on your own.

Many believe that we are wired to need each other and to learn from each other so that we become who we were created to be. I think this is true in some aspects. Relationships can teach you a lot about yourself. They can also teach you things about the world that you may not discover going solo. It’s only through our experiences with other people that we can grow and discover who we are. Going off of this, some relationships are not necessarily brought to us to be the “happily after relationship”. Sometimes they happen to simply teach us something that we need to know in order to be what we need to be (emotionally, spiritually and physically) in our ultimate “happily after relationship”.


3. You are uniquely made and your flaws are the best parts of you.

Despite the baggage and emotional strain that relationships can cause you, it’s through them that you can begin to accept yourself and see the beauty that lies within you. From this, you realize that the person who you will ultimately spend your life with will also see that your so-called flaws are the best parts of you, too.


4. What’s most important to you.

Sometimes we think we know what we want, then once we get it, we change our minds. That’s what often happens in relationships, which is good because then you can find out what’s important to you. It’s only through not so good relationships that we can really figure out what’s important to us. Relationships not only teach us what we really don’t want, but they also help us to understand ourselves a lot better.


5. Your ultimate happiness depends on you, not someone else.

You complete yourself. Period. So many of us believe that once we meet that perfect person, then we will fill complete and ready to live our lives. But that’s so not true. Relationships teach you that you ultimately fulfill and control your happiness, not someone else. And when you depend on someone else to do so, you will be deeply disappointed.


6. If you want a different kind of relationship than what you’ve been getting, then you have to take what you learn and use it to get a different result.

Have you ever been one of those people to make the same relationship mistakes over and over again? Same type, same result. It’s like you have definition of insanity of replay, right? Yeah… been there. From relationships you realize how not to turn your experiences into a negative lessons on repeat. You become more aware of what to look for and more aware of the more than likely results.


7. How to love.

As you navigate different relationships, the most beautiful thing is that you realize how to love someone and how you want someone to love you. Love is learned behavior and we’re not always perfect in how we treat other or love other in relationships. But you grow, and as you do, you become more aware of what it truly means to love and to be loved.