Seriously, You Can Do Anything. But You Have To Believe It For Yourself.

April 4, 2016 | Posted at 2:30 am | by Rachel (Follow User)

There comes a point in all of our lives when we reach a crossroads. A crossroads in deciding if we are going to believe in what we are capable of becoming, or if we are going to believe that everything is against us and there’s no point in trying to become what we believe possible.

Why do we fail to believe in our capabilities? Why do we falter in following through on our passions? And why do we allow ourselves to limit ourselves from living out our dreams and becoming all that we are capable of becoming?

Could it be that we solely focus on our inadequacies? Is it the burden of feeling weighed down, “discouraged” in every utter sense of the word itself? Is it that we just don’t think it’s possible? Or is it that we simply fail to believe in ourselves?

We hold ourselves back. We let our depression, anxieties, and maddening thoughts get in the way of it all. The positive. The negative. At other times, those inhibitions take hold, strapping us back from conquering the world, conquering discouragers close to us, and most of all, conquering ourselves. All becomes smashed in between…

 Rachel: "All of us have the ability to achieve more than we have ever thought possible." (Photo: iStockphoto)

Rachel: “All of us have the ability to achieve more than we have ever thought possible.” (Photo: iStockphoto)

But the reality is, when we get out of our lame thinking, we can become awakened in knowing that all of us are capable of doing everything we dream. All of us have the ability to achieve more than we have ever thought possible.

We don’t have to be the smartest person. We don’t have to be the most talented person. We don’t have to be anything, but who we are. You don’t have to be anything, but Who you are to achieve a big goal or dream.

Seriously, we can do anything and be anything our hearts desire. And that’s the greatest gift of it all.

The problem is, we have given permission to other people to define for us and to us what we are capable of doing. With great satisfaction and joy, these discouragers are the ones who are happy to sparkly shine our defects in our face. They are quick to point out all of the reasons why they believe we could never become anything or do anything we dream. They convince ourselves that they are right, and we are wrong.

We’ve got to fight back.

You have to fight back. I have to fight back.

Honestly, the future can be just as exciting and as daunting as we make it to be. It’s all combined among our greatest faiths, ambitions, and understandings of what we radically believe to be possible for our lives. It can exhilarating and grand, overtaking anything that we hold to be negative deep inside. But we have to be our greatest fan, our greatest advocate, our greatest believer in our ourselves. When we do, we prove not only to others the power of belief, but we simultaneously prove it to ourselves.

Anything is always possible, when you have the courage to believe.