Doing The Impossible: The 25 Laws For Doing The Impossible

What does Doing the Impossible really mean? Doing The Impossible: The 25 Laws For Doing The Impossible is for those who have a desire to achieve greatness and are ready to take the steps to turn that desire into a reality.  This book will encourage and challenge you to make a decision to do the impossible.

101 Secrets For Your Twenties

Every twenty-something needs a little black book of secrets. Our twenties are filled with confusion, terrible jobs, anticipation, disappointment, cubicles, break-ups, transition, quarter-life crisis, loneliness, post-college what the heck, and more. We need a worn and weathered guide. That guide is this book, 101 Secrets For Your Twenties.

The Road To Your Best Stuff

Do you want to distinguish yourself personally and professionally but are unsure how to go about making it happen? Let Mike Williams show you how to use the powerful techniques he has developed during a remarkable marketing and management consulting career spanning over 25 years. His book takes you through personal and professional preparation, and into a process of moving forward.

Rise Up: A Call To Leadership For African American Women

Do you hear the call to lead? “The world needs women to stand in leadership,” writes Pastor Sylvia Rose, “black women in particular. We need to take our valley experiences to those on the mountaintop.” Drawing on her own rich experience as well as the experience of others, in Rise Up: A Call To Leadership For African American Women, Pastor Rose shows us how to follow God even leadership.

Your One Word: The Powerful Secret To Creating A Business And Life That Matter

In this bold and empowering guide, you will gain the secret to turbo-charging your path to success on your own terms. With thought-provoking questions and inspiring, instructive examples, Your One Word will help you nail down your personal mottos – the word that captures your purpose and passion. With this in hand, you will then learn how to leverage this powerful tool to create the future of your dreams.

Jump: Take The Leap of Faith To Achieve Your Life Of Abundance

Your One Word: The Powerful Secret To Creating A Business And Life That Matter will help you engage the Divine Spirit within you to find your life’s desire and use your own imagination to make your life’s vision a reality. Each chapter of this thoughtful book offers invaluable advice and anecdotes that illuminate the power of imagination and how to use our God-given visions to enrich our lives.