Reviewing Social Media Marketing Breakthroughs in 2018

January 18, 2019 | Posted at 1:54 am | by Angelo (Follow User)

It is no great secret that the internet is continuously evolving every day. This means that social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube will still go through many changes.

Last year has been one of the best years of social media yet. Though most marketers and online users will agree on this, but do we really know what trends have changed the social media marketing scene?

Whether you are a freelancer or a social media marketing expert in Kansas City, here are some of the social media marketing breakthroughs in 2018 – and some tips on how you can keep up with it this year.


Gone are the days where chatbots are considered as robots and machines – the year 2018 has given them another meaning in the online world.

Just last year, chatbots have been proven to be as a useful tool to brands and the users. Businesses that utilized this tool has improved their communication with the audience as they helped solved numerous online and offline issues that the users have experienced.

Another thing that made chatbots as a go-to social media marketing tool of businesses is that it immensely aided them to interact with their audience in a more natural and personal way – which what the audience is looking for.

Paid Personalized Ads

Going for paid ads is not enough, thus, going for paid personalized ones is the way to go. This strategy was made by some businesses last year, and the results came out as a success! For one, they ensured that they targeted the right audience, and they made apparent leads, conversions, and traffic to their business pages. Definitely a win-win situation, right?

“As of the moment” Content

2018 was the year where the “real-time content” boomed drastically. This is because utilizing this technique allowed brands to showcase their authenticity to the audience – whether it may be on Snapchat, Instagram, or Facebook. The storytelling feature of this social media marketing strategy just proved that internet users today want to relate and interact in real time with brands that they believe into.

Live Videos

Similar to the ephemeral content, live videos have also paved its way to success last year – and it only just got started. In fact, most businesses consider this social media marketing tool as a crucial part of their strategy. This is because the number of web users prefers this platform than to blogs.


Videos ate the whole internet last year, and it will continuously eat it this year. In fact, most of the overall consumer traffic was in video traffic alone. This goes to show that utilizing video as a marketing tool is indeed effective as more and more online users are using this social media platform.

The Rise of Influencers

It is true that social media influencers have been around the online scene for a while – from Facebook, Twitter to Instagram and YouTube. However, influencers have claimed its throne in 2018 as one of the most effective means of marketing strategy to majority of businesses. This is because their social reach, their audience’s trust in them, and online presence is indeed a great help for a brand to reach more users.

Key Takeaway

2018 has seen and experienced a lot of online breakthroughs, most especially in the social media marketing scene. With this being said, it is safe to say that 2019 will see more changes, updates, and features in the online world. For this reason, make sure that you keep yourself updated to the latest trends for your brand to be more successful this year.