The Real Reasons Why Putting Your Goals In Writing Can Change Your Life

January 18, 2024 | Posted at 2:30 pm | by Greg (Follow User)

What would you do if you had a greater chance of achieving every single goal that you have? You would probably take every action necessary, right?

Well, would any of those actions include writing down your goals? I mean if you don’t have time to write down your goals, then when are you going to find the time to accomplish them? You probably won’t.

Don’t take my word for it? The facts speak for themselves.

Back in 1979, some researchers asked students from the Harvard’s MBA Program about their goal setting. The students were asked, “Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?” The researchers found:
· 84% said they had no specific goals at all.
· 13% said they had goals but they are not written down.
· And only 3% said they had clear, written goals and plans to accomplish them.

As part of a study, the researchers polled the same graduates in 1989 to check on their progress. What they found was incredible:
· Those in the 13% group who stated that they had goals, but had not written then down were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84% who had no goals at all.
· On top of this, the 3% group who had stated they had clear, written goals were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97%.

From this one study, it’s clear that writing down your goals is the best way to actually fulfill them. So here are the five real reasons why I believe we all need to write our goals down in order to achieve them.


1. Writing down your goals allows you to filter opportunities.

As new ideas and opportunities come up AND your schedule changes, having set goals will allow you to filter which things you should include and which things you should not.


2. Writing down your goals holds you accountable and facilitates action.

Once you see the goals on paper, they will allow you to create a realistic checklist. This way you can check the list off as you go. By doing so, this will encourage you to keep pursuing your current goals plus greater goals for the future.


3. Writing down your goals will allow you to celebrate progress.

You can’t celebrate how far you have come (even the little steps) if you don’t have goals written down. That’s what makes things fun and allows you to enjoy the hard work that you’re doing to create them.


4. Writing down your goals clarifies your circle of influence.

If your goals are big and bold, then you have to do a careful assessment of whether or not your current group of friends will allow you to reach those goals. If you believe they don’t, then you will need to find the right group of people (online or in person) to help you to reach your goals.


5. Writing down your goals gives you a framework for success.

Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Sean Carter, and other highly successful people didn’t just wake up and become famous, wealthy, or influencers. They planned with intention, creating the lives they wanted to lead. Writing down your goals down will allow you to manifest the life you want to live.



At the end of the day, just know that if you want to change your life, then you have create goals AND write them down. Once you do, make sure to act on them and review them every single day. And just in case, you need some extra help in how to best craft and execute your goals? Click here.