One Of The Realest Talks On Gun Violence & Youth Unemployment Happened On The Steve Harvey Show

February 19, 2016 | Posted at 12:35 am | by Darnell (Follow User)

I rarely –if ever– watch The Steve Harvey Show. But earlier this week, I came across his episode on gun violence in Chicago. That episode changed my entire perspective on the state of gun violence not just in Chicago, but also around the nation.

It’s a serious crisis, and I don’t know why we are failing to realize this as a society. It has evidently affected so many lives…



On the show, Steve Harvey had a type of town hall style conversation with his audience about gun violence. The audience comprised of people who had been directly affected by the gun violence in Chicago.


Watching parents and loved ones talk about the epidemic of gun violence and how it has impacted their lives, their families, and their communities was crazy… I can’t put it into words. The show was compelling. It was one of the realest conversations on the issue and a great way for everyone around the nation to understand the need for change… the need for us to come together to change the situation for our generation and for future generations. There is no reason that young people or any person should have to battle for their safety every single day.



From the show, I also realized how gun violence largely connects to many other bigger issues, like youth unemployment. If young people who are involved in gangs and violence have no way to get out of it, then that’s part of the reason why they engage in them. They probably feel hopeless and like they are not able to get out of their situation. And I can empathize because without jobs or opportunities being available in their areas, how can they pursue a better life? Clearly, the problem is way bigger than just guns:


This conversation desperately needs to continue. We as a society need to change what’s happening. I honestly believe that as more people become of aware of this dire situation they will want to help change it. Those who see it and have been impacted by it already are determined to change what’s happening. So now, let’s start doing it. Let’s start holding the government accountable for helping to change the economy; let’s hold our leaders accountable to change laws on gun violence; and let’s hold each other responsible for creating the change that we wish to see.

Our future depends on these. Let’s not just talk, let’s do.


WATCH SHOW: Here’s the entire episode of the show, if you want to see it:


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