Read This To Make Moving Fun. Not Stressful.

November 18, 2018 | Posted at 7:10 pm | by Alex (Follow User)

After spending months of searching for your new home, you have finally found the perfect one. In fact, you have just closed on the property and the deed has been recorded. However, there is still more to be done. In my opinion, the final step is also the most exciting stage of the process.

It is always exciting to see your new home come together in the way that perfectly reflects yourself. But first, you still need to get all your belongings to your new home. Which, is much easier said than done. While putting your home together can be joyful, packing and moving can sometimes be daunting.

Depending how large your current residence is, moving can take up to 10 hours long, and that is only lifting and carrying boxes to the moving truck. Here are a few tips that can help make the move painless.

This first step is essential for simplifying the rest of the move. Deep down, many of us are hoarders, some of us less than others, and some of us much more than others. I get it though, it can be difficult to get rid of our things.

Unless it’s a piece of family history that’s been passed down generations, you might want to consider tossing or selling it. For a good rule of thumb, consider if you have used it in the past six months and whether or not you see yourself use it within the next six months. If you have not or will not, chances are you don’t need it.

Clutter will wreak havoc on moving out and moving in, only to take up more space in the truck and storage in your new home

Sort and categorize your belongings while packing. Keep a list of the items in each box, too. This will help you keep track of all your things and where they are. It’s never fun having to look through every box only to eat dinner on paper towels because you couldn’t remember where you left the plates.

Categorizing boxes by rooms will benefit everyone, not just you, but the professional mover (if you hired any) and your friend’s helping hand. Categorizing by room will save time and energy.

Numbering boxes and using a checklist will allow you to track each package individually. Tracking the packages will also help you notice whether or not boxes made it to the moving truck and into the new home.

Size Matters
Although, it may seem obvious, make sure you find a truck that will account for all of your belongings. In order to figure out how large of a truck you may need, consolidate all of your packed boxes and furniture into one room to gather measurements and gain a general idea of how much room your things take up. Maybe not the worst thing to happen, but it would not be fun if you finished loading the truck only to realize half your things are still inside your home.

It’s also just as important to make sure that your new home will be able to accommodate all of your furniture. Be sure to take measurements of your home during your final walkthrough.

Accounting for measurements could save you the hassle of moving a bulky sectional that might not even fit in your new home. Maybe it’s a king sized bed that leaves little room for anything else. Bed in a box has become increasingly more popular over the years, especially in the era of two-day shipping. I never did like carrying a bed up a spiral staircase anyways.

It’s one thing to lose your plates somewhere at the bottom of a box on your first day at your new place, but it’s another thing to be stuck without running water or electricity the first few days after moving. Most providers will allow you to switch the title for utilities when there is a change in title for property, that way utilities will stay running.

Your real estate agent will be able to help you identify which local providers are available in your new area. You’ll just want to make sure water, electricity, and gas are synchronized with your scheduled move in date.

Hopefully following these steps will help you save time while moving so you can get straight to the fun stuff – decorating your new home!. Your home should be a reflection of your personality and style. Moving is exciting and doesn’t have to be stressful.