3 Ways To Reach Total Happiness

September 21, 2015 | Posted at 8:40 pm | by Nicole (Follow User)

Every day, we deprive ourselves of the soul’s right to happiness.

When we envy, we are sucking away our own happiness. When we deny a qualified candidate for a job for no concrete reason, we are depriving that person of happiness. And the simplest of all, when we hurt another person on purpose, we are not only taking away their happiness, but their suffering can soon turn on us as well.

Every day, we should be working towards happiness. There is no real reason not to do so. Happiness is the purest form of who we are. It is not an easy place to reach as total happiness comes from the spiritual place that is within each of us. But in order to reach that place, we must understand and tweak a few things.

1)Managing life.

Managing your life is the beginning process to total happiness. When you understand who you are, you are then able to manage your life according to your goals and destination. You have to make decisions that best fit you and will propel you forward. Using your time and money wisely are important elements to managing your life. We have enough time to work, play, relax, sleep, take care of loved ones, work on our passions, etc. If we manage our money properly, then we will have enough funds to pay bills, dine, travel, take care of emergencies, fund our passions, and more.

2)Having the ability to keep pushing forward.

Your strength lies in your ability to keep pushing forward. There will (and usually is) a test on the path towards figuring out how to manage your life. The only way through is to keep walking and to keep tackling the tests that are blocking you from your goal. People will throw plenty of distractions your way including gossip, jealousy, and doubt. But it’s up to you to walk right pass the nonsense. Why? Because you have a destination to reach.

3)Mastering life.

The ultimate goal is to master managing your life. With that comes peace, love, total happiness, and all the enjoyments are upon this Earth and beyond. When you can breathe and your life is in order, no one can stop you.

Remember, no one has the answer on how to reach total happiness. Only you know what it takes to reach your own total happiness. You should never attempt to hinder someone else from reaching their own total happiness nor allow someone to hinder you. Just keep pushing forward and you will conquer your world.