5 Things You Should Think About At Any Stage Of Your Career

June 20, 2024 | Posted at 12:30 am | by Alexandra (Follow User)

Whether you are starting a new job, advancing your career, or considering a different direction, these simple questions can highlight ways to bring out your best self at work. We’ve outlined 5 questions that can help you to identify your individual strengths and increase your productivity and happiness on the job by inspiring small changes and new professional goals:


1. When am I happiest at work?

(Photo: Goodshoot/Thinkstock)

(Photo: Goodshoot/Thinkstock)

No matter how much you love your job, there are always good days and bad days. For some of us, there are even good mornings and bad afternoons. While there will occasionally be unwelcome tasks to tend to, it’s worth spending some time thinking about the moments you feel most content at work. Ask yourself what you’re working on when you lose track of time, what environments you seek out, which type of projects you are most excited to work on, or when you feel most fulfilled.

Once you’ve identified these personal “happy triggers”, consider how you can be more efficient in completing less enjoyable activities, so that you can spend more time doing the things that give you energy.

Tip: If you’re having a hard time finding a way to incorporate more of your happy triggers at work, think about how you might pursue this interest as a side hustle.


2. What do I find most frustrating about my job or career?

(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

<e,>(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)

There is no point in sugarcoating it — you will inevitably have to make some career sacrifices along the way. Whether you are giving up bedtime with your kids for your dream job, a structured role at a large company for the excitement of a new startup idea, or a reliable paycheck for the freedom of freelancing, we all face the ongoing challenge of balance throughout our careers.

The best way to navigate tradeoffs and determine if they’re worthwhile, is to prioritize. What is most important to you? This applies to the good and the bad. It’s important to know what things frustrate you most about a job, so that you can be proactive about pursuing opportunities that limit your exposure to the down side.

Tip: For many people, it’s the tedious administrative activities that can become frustrating at times. To help manage the time and energy dedicated to those tasks, try earmarking an hour every day, or block off a few hours once a week, to tackle less desirable to-do’s. If possible, schedule this time before a more enjoyable activity so that you have something to look forward to — you’ll be surprised at how much easier it can be to complete tedious to-do’s when you restrict the amount of time available to spend on them.


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