Here’s The Quarter-Life Opportunity Right In Front Of You

April 12, 2015 | Posted at 7:00 pm | by Ashley (Follow User)

For most of us, when we were in our early twenties and just stepping into the “real world,” we had this idea of how life would be as an adult.


Then, we got into the real world and some things hit us like a bag of bricks.

Responsibilities. Relationships. Investing. Saving. Spending. Succeeding in our career goals… It’s so much to be thrown into. And then on top of it all, sometimes what we thought we wanted in one area of our lives turns out not to be it. Things you wanted to do no longer interest you… people you hung out with, you no longer talk to…blah, blah, blah. I believe this happens to all of us.


Life is full of its ups and downs, twists and turns. So many things can happen in such a short period of time that cause us to think, “Wow, time is going by so fast! So much has happened in these last few years!”


It’s usually around this moment that panic creeps, or aka “the crisis.”


A little while after turning 25, I had my epic “quarter-life crisis moment.” Ha. I was seriously thinking about all that just happened in the past and all that I wanted to do moving forward. Call me crazy but I think this was a good moment to have. It was a jolt. So, in this sense, maybe I shouldn’t necessarily call it my ‘quarter-life crisis.’ Instead, I should call it, my “quarter-life opportunity.”


The ‘crisis’ was really a wake-up call, a moment of pure and utter reflection. It was basically my realizing that life is short and not every year is promised. I began to really hold onto this notion of making the most of the life that I have left to live.


It’s interesting because many of us think that we have so much time to accomplish our goals. Almost like life is never ending.

But the reality is… life is too precious and too short- whether you are ten, fifty or like me, twenty-five.


Time goes by in the blink of the eye.


Therefore, instead of having life crises and fretting the years to come, I think what we should be doing is questioning if we are really going after our dreams every single day.


Questioning, if we are really living the life that we have always dreamed of living. And, if we aren’t, then why not? Whether we like it or not, we’re running out of time.


And, regardless of how it all seems in the scheme of things, we should view ‘crises’ as beautiful because they are guiding us towards becoming who you were meant to be while we still have time.


So embrace your “quarter-life opportunity” if you have one.


Don’t shame it, and don’t try to tame it.


Instead, listen to your inner voice and its directions as you journey towards fulfilling your dreams because it will ultimately lead you towards the fulfillment of your purpose.