Practically Beautiful: You Decide What Is

July 17, 2016 | Posted at 11:48 pm | by Heather (Follow User)

There is no way to objectively view anything, there is only a sort of relative objectivity that aims to create a standard, focusing on meaningful insight from a vantage point that is both useful and practical in the continued pursuit and or discussion of an abstract or subjective concept.

What does that mean?

That means beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Although you can define standards for beauty or excellence, you’re only defining your standards. You cannot define something objectively that does not exist from an objective viewpoint, i.e. beauty is more of a feeling, that doesn’t exist from the non-feeling view point, that seeks to simply measure and classify and not assign feelings or opinions.

Although scientists have done some interesting research on “objectively defining” physical beauty as a combination of certain levels of symmetry and proportion, at best they are defining general biological inclinations toward sexual arousal and are no closer to beauty than anyone else, although I do find defining a general biological human tendency to be attracted to people who look like they could “produce healthy children” to be useful and interesting, that line of reasoning does not lay any definitive claim to beauty, just a general outline of what humans tend to find inherently attractive.

So what is my goal with all of this? To define greatness?

Well sort-a.

I’ve never really been a singularly motivated person. My true motives you will probably never know and lie somewhere between world domination and bacon flavored pencils. I suppose I’ve always had a love for perspective and hope to offer some valuable insight to the world… but really it just makes talking about movies and art easier.

So having said all of that, remember that you are beautiful, even if not classically so. Because Edward Scissorhands was loveable, and so are you.