3 Perfect Ways To Relax After Work

May 4, 2018 | Posted at 7:18 pm | by Lara (Follow User)

You had a rough day at work and seriously need to relax. This is something that keeps happening day in, day out. A glass of wine doesn’t do anymore, your body is too used to your gym routine to respond to it, your friends are just out of advice on how to cope with your problems at work. Maybe it’s time to start working on yourself more seriously.

Maybe it’s time to take up some more drastic measures in combating everyday stress. Today’s fast-paced way of life is causing people to be more stressed out but is also coming up with more solutions to deal with it, so your options are numerous. Depending on your type of personality, you can choose the relaxing methods that don’t require you to do anything, such as relaxing massage or a more rigorous procedure like a chiropractic session. If, on the other hand, you can’t stand doing nothing, you can opt for some more engaging activity which will exhaust your body enough to shut your mind up and let you relax. In any case, here are a few options.



From my personal experience, there is no better way to clear your mind and exhaust your body than walking. If it’s possible, walk home from work. Also, while walking, try to focus on your breathing. You can also focus on your step, trying to balance the rhythm of your walking and breathing. At the beginning of the walk, you head will probably be full thoughts and impressions and you won’t be able to focus on anything else. But as you move on, it will seem like you’re leaving it all behind, just shedding it all along the way. Then it will become easier to focus on your breathing and steps.

If you really can’t live without music and if that’s something that relaxes you as well, play some soothing melodies while walking. I personally prefer to focus on my inner space and surroundings, but it’s really individual. One thing is certain, you will be much calmer when you get home, you will skip the rush hour and traffic jam which are likely to cause even more stress. You may be really tired but at least you will be able to fall asleep easily and get refreshed for the long day ahead.



Find the time for meditation. As the saying goes, meditate 20 minutes every day, and if you don’t have time, meditate 45 minutes. The bottom line is, you can always find the time, the question is whether you can find the will and patience. Meditation doesn’t necessarily have to involve sitting in one place, you can meditate while walking, by focusing on your breathing, as already mentioned, or listening to some guided meditation.

You can do it in your car as well. But, of course, the best way is to find a calm, secluded place at home and take the time for yourself. This will definitely help you calm down and see the things more clearly. It will shut down the overthinking and enable to save your nerves and energy and deal with the situation in the best possible way


Treat Yourself to a Relax Treatment

You can choose between a relaxing massage, acupuncture treatment, a chiropractic treatment, you name it. All these methods have been confirmed to help reduce stress.  The name says it all when it comes to relaxing massage. After one hour of this blissful experience, you will feel refreshed and recharged. Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese technique used for different purposes for thousands of years, for stress relief, among other things. It is also good for potential pain relief and reducing the muscle stiffness.

Chiropractic is another treatment that is really beneficial for you whole body. Many connect it primarily with back and neck pain relief, as it focuses on spinal manipulation. However, spine is the center of our nervous system, and its condition is crucial for our overall well-being, including our mood, feelings, ability to cope with stress and our immune system. So a chiropractic treatment can help you reduce the effects of your everyday stressful life and contribute to your overall health.

The best thing is to find a wellness center that offers various relaxing treatments in one place, including spa, massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, yoga lessons and other. That way you’ll be able to combine more methods for the best results or choose the one that suits you most.