Parenting Education: Which One Should You Choose?

March 8, 2019 | Posted at 3:44 am | by Stacy (Follow User)

Parenting is one of the most important jobs in life. Millions of new parents all over the world go into parenthood without understanding the challenges and also without really knowing what it means to be a parent. Parenting is not something that people only learn on the job though parents gradually learn a lot through the experience of day to day parenting. Parents often say that it is much more difficult than what they believed it to be before becoming parents. Parents need to be very good at their job from day one for the benefit and welfare of the children. Parenting education or taking parenting classes or courses is a way to improve parenting skills and making new parents especially better parents. The following are some of the benefits of parenting education for different types of parents:

Benefits of Taking Parenting Education Classes

  • There are many types of parenting classes available for parents to learn different types of parenting skills. Parenting classes are designed in such a way that they help parents learn parenting skills that help in the development and growth of the children.
  • It also helps parents improve their relationship with their children and helps parents handle day to day problems in parenting in a more subtle and successful way. These classes teach parents how to maintain discipline in a household and also how to deal with different types of emergencies.
  • Some of the parenting skills include stress management, time management, relationship building with children, anger and behavior management, plus managing the health and safety of the family.
  • Parenting skills also include learning how to co-parent, supporting children, and getting support for the family. It also includes managing the budget and also learning some of the basic skills of taking care of children in their day to day lives.
  • Many people do not have a clue about a clear path of how they want to raise their children and the expectations they have from parenthood. There are many different styles of parenting and parenting education helps in figuring out the best type of parenting style that suits a particular family or situation.
  • Parenting is one of the most difficult jobs on the planet and new parents, in particular, are much more anxious about the task of parenthood. The parenting classes give confidence to new parents and also help them build a support system with other parents.
  • Breastfeeding, vaccination, teaching children, education, and communicating with children are some of the aspects of parenthood that require parenting education. Special classes are available for different types of parenting skills and it is a good idea to improve parenting skill using parenting education programs.

Different Types of Parenting Classes Available For Parents

Parenting Education Classes for Expecting Parents

  • Parents expecting a baby for the first time, in particular, have absolutely no idea about how to be a parent and how to go through the process of having a child even if they read the different pregnancy books available in the market.
  • Parenting classes for this stage of parenting explain the different styles of parenting and also all the basic skill that is expected from new parents. These parenting classes clarify all the doubts of new parents and give them confidence about the new and exciting phase in their lives.
  • Expecting parents can go to different types of parenting classes including CPR classes, safety classes, childbirth classes, classes teaching parents about different medical procedures, classes teaching post-birth recovery methods and also infant care classes.

Parents Education Classes For New Parents

  • New parents with infants, babies, and toddlers in particular need training and guidance for various aspects of parenting. Baby classes offer parents an education about all the basic parenting skills required by new parents including breastfeeding, diaper changes, how to feed children, and how to take care of emergencies and health issues.
  • It teaches new parents about how to control their emotions, and also how to deal with difficult problems in the day to day lives of handling baby care. Baby care is a very hands-on job and the postpartum baby care can be 24 hours of the day job which can be challenging.
  • These classes also help parents understand early childhood development and also teach parents all skills needed for every phase of baby care especially for the first 12 months of the baby’s life.

Parents Education Classes for Infant and Childhood Development

  • There are various types of education classes for parents of children in different age brackets from one-year-old toddlers to parents of teenagers. There are different classes for parents dealing with behavioral issues and also for parents looking to learn about the psychological and physical development of children.
  • This class includes different aspects of parenthood including how to deal with potty training, regular tantrums, and sibling rivalries.
  • There are different parenting classes for parents of children of different age groups. The problems parents of toddlers face are very different from the parents of teenagers.
  • There are different problems of parents at different stage of parenthood and these classes are a way to learn how to deal with these problems and also help parents get a support system for various stages of parenthood. These classes also help parents teach children major life skills, social skills, and educational skills.

Classes for Parents with Special Needs Children

  • Parents of children who are differently abled or who need special attention need a lot of help and these classes provide training for such parents.
  • Many children have psychological, behavioral and physical limitations and these classes teach parents how to deal with such children in a loving and affectionate way.
  • There are special classes also for parents dealing with different life situations like divorce, adoption, fostering and many such parenting choices.


Parenting is a very exciting, fulfilling and yet difficult task. Becoming a parent gives meaning to many people’s lives that have been inclined to have children. Parenting education and parenting classes are a great way to deal with everyday parenting and help parents get all the basic skills required to be a parent in today’s world.